Check Your Answer

Check Your Answer

Check Your Answer

A behavior analyst is working with an 11-year-old client who has complex verbal language skills. The client currently works for 10 minutes at a time to earn a 10-minute break, during which he typically chooses to play video games. The analyst would like to increase the duration of the client's work sessions. What procedure should the analyst use to ensure a smooth transition to a longer work interval?

  1. Use schedule thinning to increase the duration of work time to 30-minute intervals
  2. Use schedule thinning to increase the duration of work time to 15-minute intervals and clearly communicate the new rule prior to implementation
  3. Decrease the client's break time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes
  4. Do not communicate the new rule, but set the timer for 15 minutes at the beginning of the next work session


Step 1: Identify the concept being tested

This question tests your understanding of schedule thinning and the use of instructions in practice.

Step 2: Analyze the question

In this scenario, the analyst wants to ensure a smooth transition to a longer work period. The best way to achieve this is to introduce gradual changes and share clear expectations.

The Correct Answer is B

Schedule thinning is a method that involves gradually increasing the amount of work that must be completed before reinforcement. Schedule thinning, combined with clear, understandable expectations or rules, will help facilitate a smooth transition.

Incorrect Choices:

  1. Schedule thinning should be used to increase the amount of work completed, but 30 minutes represents a significant increase in the amount of work time. Increasing the work time too dramatically could cause ratio strain. To support a smooth transition, work time should be increased gradually and combined with clear rules.
  2. Decreasing the break time is not likely to increase the client's ability to work for a longer duration.
  3. Setting the timer for 15 minutes, without any verbal communication, could be a valuable way to test the client's tolerance for the increase in work time. However, on its own, would not be an adequate procedure to ensure a smooth transition to a longer work time.

Task List Reference:

Task List 4 Section Area:

E. Specific Behavior Change Procedures

Task List 4 Item:

E-03 Use instructions and rules

Secondary Task List 4 Section Area:

D. Fundamental Elements of Behavior Change

Secondary Task List 4 Item:

D-02 Use appropriate parameters and schedules of reinforcement

Task List 5 Section Area:

G. Behavior-Change Procedures

Task List 5 Item:

G-6 Use instructions and rules

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