Coaches’ Corner Recap: What Makes a Good Study Group

Joining or creating a study group is a great way to connect with fellow exam preppers and to build support and confidence for your exam!

This week of Coaches’ Corner, our Coaches Melissa and Jen discuss best practices for your study group.

Forums, like our Facebook groups, provide a great place to share your story, study tips, or questions. Struggling with motivation? It helps having a place you can go to to know you’re not alone.

Our Facebook groups are led by you so you can connect with others! Coaches are there to help with questions or concerns and to guide, but these forums are for you by you.

Struggling with test strategies or application-based questions? Our forums are a great way to get help from those going through the same process. You never know what amazing insight or tips you might learn.

Forums are great, but what if you’re looking to find someone to study with? Perhaps your motivation is lacking or you’re finding it hard to learn it all alone. He are some reasons to find a partner or study group:

  • Get together with people who are at the same point in the study process as you
  • Incorporate new learning styles into your own study plan (12:04)
  • Provides motivation & accountability
  • Makes you accountable to your group and yourself

Once you have your group, follow these guidelines to get the most out of it:

  • Set an agenda for each week or study session
  • Teach each other; if you can teach a concept to someone else, then you truly know it
  • Share your study tips
  • Try out new learning styles
  • Make sure you’re getting what you need out of it

At minute 18:15, our Coaches took a question from Tyme regarding tips for staying on task and completing goals. Watch our video below for our coaches’ best tips!

If you’re not sure about your learning style or what study tools are best for you, give us a call! 1-800-472-1931

AATBS offers tons of study tools for every part of the exam and for every learner!

Want to read more tips and strategies? Check out our blog!

Watch the full video below and don’t forget to like, share, comment, and provide a question on our Facebook page for chances to win free study tools! Coaches' Corner will be back next week on Facebook live at noon (PT).


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Make an appointment with our Educational Coordinators to help you build your study plan.