Entry-level BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) jobs typically involve working directly with clients and implementing behavior intervention plans. These jobs can be found in a variety of settings, including:

  1. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Clinics: ABA clinics provide services to individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Entry-level BCBA jobs in these clinics typically involve working with clients one-on-one and supervising behavior technicians.
  2. Schools: Many schools employ BCBAs to work with students who have behavioral and/or developmental needs. Entry-level positions may involve working with a small caseload of students and collaborating with teachers and other school staff.
  3. Home-Based ABA Services: Some companies offer home-based ABA services to families. Entry-level BCBA jobs in this setting may involve conducting assessments, developing treatment plans, and supervising behavior technicians who work directly with clients in their homes.
  4. Hospitals and Residential Treatment Centers: BCBAs may also work in hospital settings or residential treatment centers that provide care for individuals with behavioral or developmental needs. Entry-level positions in these settings may involve working with a team of clinicians to develop and implement treatment plans.

Overall, entry-level BCBA jobs tend to involve a significant amount of direct client work and supervision of behavior technicians. As BCBAs gain more experience and knowledge, they may take on more advanced roles, such as managing programs or conducting research.